Unsheathed (Sword of Coming) Cultivation Realms

Now that Unsheathed (aka Sword of Coming, aka Swords, Come!)《劍來》has launched an official translation on Wuxiaworld, I thought I’d translate the cultivation realm tables on the Chinese wiki (Baike) for the novel. Keep in mind that these are my own translations based on my own knowledge, research, and translation preferences. These are not the official translations of these terms, as the novel has not gotten far enough along for those translated terms to be published yet. So the translations here are unofficial and tentative. I have kept the original Chinese text here to make it easier for those who can read Chinese to compare and understand for themselves (and correct whatever mistakes I’ve made) and to make it easier for someone to locate a term if needed.

I have also included some footnotes explaining some of the concepts and terms as many of these exist in real life Daoist practice. I encourage you to read them if you’d like to better understand the underlying concepts behind Daoist cultivation.

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