An Interview with Cang Yue and Jiangnan

About a decade or so ago, when I was still new to translating, I ran a short-lived wuxia forum called Among Rivers and Lakes. I translated several short stories for that forum, a few of which I have posted here as well (check the translation list). I also translated an interview from 2006 that I found online with wuxia/fantasy authors Cang Yue 沧月 and Jiangnan 江南.

Jiangnan, the man in the pic above, is most well known for his fantasy series Novoland《九州縹緲錄》which was adapted in 2019 as a cdrama titled Novoland: Eagle Flag starring Liu Haoran and Song Zu’er. Cang Yue started out writing such wuxia novels as Listening Snow Tower series《聽雪樓》 and Seven Nights of Snow. Her wuxia novella Turbulent Times is translated on this site. She later switched to writing fantasy and is now most well known for her Mirror series. Her work has been adaped to cdramas several times, including Listening Snow Tower, Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities, and coming soon, The Longest Promise starring Ren Min, Xiao Zhan, and Wang Churan and adapted from her Mirror novel Zhu Yan《朱顏》. Both of thes authors are from China and are part of what is now termed the “Neo Wuxia” 新武俠 school of wuxia, a term denoted the new mainland China writers who began writing wuxia after the ban was lifted in China around 1980. It includes words written mainly in the late 90s and early 2000s, along with the rise of web novels.

The below translation is the same as when I translated it a decade or so ago, except for some spellchecking for typos.

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Sword Dynasty First Impressions

Li Xian plays the main character, Ding Ning

The new drama Sword Dynasty ( 剑王朝 ) premiered yesterday in China. It’s an adaptation of the webnovel of the same name by author “Not Guilty” (無罪). I am looking forward to this one, based on the first episode.

Li Yitong plays Zhangsun Qianxue

Li Xian plays the main character, Ding Ning, a man on a mission of revenge. The first episode was all serious, no goofy acting so far.

Nice effects on the fight scenes
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