
Q&A with Jin Yong


1955書劍恩仇錄The Book and the Sword
1956碧血劍Sword Stained with Royal Blood
1957射鵰英雄傳Legend of the Condor HeroesA more accurate title would be “Legend of the Eagle-Shooting Hero”
1959雪山飛狐Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain
1959神鵰俠侶Return of the Condor Heroes
1960飛狐外傳Other Tales of Flying Fox
1961白馬嘯西風White Horse Neighs in the Western Wind
1961鴛鴦刀Blade-dance of the Two Lovers
1961倚天屠龍記Heavenly Sword, Dragon Sabre
1963天龍八部Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils
1964連城訣A Deadly Secret
1966俠客行Ode to Gallantry
1967笑傲江湖The Smiling, Proud Wanderer
1969鹿鼎記The Deer and the Cauldron
1970越女劍Sword of the Yue Maiden