New Book—Immortal Bird by Xerxes

I got a new wuxia novel today: Immortal Bird《不死鳥》by Taiwan author Xerxes 薛西斯. This is actually a new revised edition of a novel that was originally published in 2014 under the same (but with different cover and from a different publisher). I remember seeing Immortal Bird in bookstores back around when it first came out years ago but never bought it. Recently I went searching online for it hoping to find a used copy (most of the wuxia novels from the original publisher, Tomor 明日工作室, are out of print now), but instead I discovered it had just been reprinted only a couple weeks ago.

There are three illustrations by artist VIVI Compound VIVI化合物, who also illustrated the gorgeous cover. Also included is a small square of paper meant to be folded to make a corner bookmark (see gallery below). The edition I ordered a signed paperback, but there is an ebook version available as well at the Google Play Store (in Chinese).

I just got this today, so I haven’t read it yet, but I translated the back cover copy:

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