A Rain of Blood Stains Flowers Red

A Rain of Blood Stains Flowers Red

Xiao Yi


At a small fur trading town on the northern frontier, a lone rider approaches.

Stranger to these parts.

But he didn’t count on falling for the beautiful daughter of the most prominent man in town.

Nor did he count on getting tangled up in that man’s old blood feud with some powerful enemies…

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Arrival of Spring Warms the Land
Chapter 2: A Hidden Dragon in the Tiger’s Den
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:


About the Author

Xiao Yi

Xiao Yi was the pen name of Xiao Jingren (June 4, 1935 – Nov. 19, 2018). He was born in Beijing, China, son of Xiao Zhichu, a general in the Nationalist army. His family moved to Taiwan in 1949 after the Communist defeat of the Nationalists.

In 1960 he published his first novel, Iron Goose, Frost Feathers, and then Seven Birds Palm. The next year he enrolled in Chung Yuan Christian University.

His first two novels won him acclaim and he became a full time author. In 1976 he and his family emigrated to the US and resided in Los Angeles. Sometime around this time his writing style changed, now incorporating more romance into his work. His most famous novels were written during this period, such as Sister Gan Nineteen, Carefree Princess, and Horse Neighing in the Whistling Wind. All three of these were adapted to television. Rain of Blood was also of this period and was published in 1978.

Xiao Yi passed away Nov. 19, 2018 from lung cancer at the age of 83.

Note: This novel contains 16 chapters, each around 9-10k Chinese characters. Chapter 15 is twice as long as the rest. There is no set schedule for new chapter updates.

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