


On “Innovation” and “Diversity” — Preface to Big Shots《大人物》


1960蒼穹神劍Divine Sky Sword
1960劍毒梅香Poisonous Sword, Fragrant Plum Blossom
1960殘金缺玉Broken Gold, Incomplete Jade
1960劍氣書香Aura of a Sword, Scent of a Book
1960遊俠錄Tale of the Wandering Swordsman
1960湘妃劍Sword of the Xiang River Goddesses
1960孤星傳Legend of the Orphan Star
1961飄香劍雨Lingering Fragrance in a Storm of Swords
1961月異星邪Eerie Moon, Evil Star
1961失魂引Story of the Lost Soul
1962彩環曲Tune of the Colorful Ring
1962護花鈴Flower-Guarding Bell
1963劍客行Swordsman’s Journey
1963情人箭Lover’s Arrow
1963大旗英雄傳Legend of the Banner Heroes
1964浣花洗劍錄Cleansing Flowers, Refining the Sword
1965武林外史Unofficial History of the Wulin
1966絕代雙驕Legendary Siblings
1967名劍風流The Sword and Exquisteness
1967血海飄香Fragrance in a Sea of BloodChu Liuxiang 1
1967大沙漠The Vast DesertChu Liuxiang 2
1967畫眉鳥The ThrushChu Liuxiang 3
1969多情劍客無情劍Sentimental Swordsman, Ruthless Sword
1969借屍還魂Borrowing a Corpse to Return a Soul to LifeChu Liuxiang 4
1970蝙蝠傳奇Legend of the BatChu Liuxiang 5
1970蕭十一郎The Eleventh Son
1971歡樂英雄Happy Heroes
1971流星·蝴蝶·劍Meteor, Butterfly, Sword
1971大人物Big Shotsaka, The Celebrity
1972桃花傳奇Legend of the Peach BlossomChu Liuxiang 6
1972邊城浪子Bordertown Wanderer
1973長生劍Longevity Sword7 Weapons 1
1973孔雀翎Peacock Plume7 Weapons 2
1973碧玉刀Green Jade Sabre7 Weapons 3
1973多情環Amorous Ring7 Weapons 4
1974霸王槍Hegemon Spear7 Weapons 5
1973陸小鳳傳奇Legend of Lu XiaofengLu Xiaofeng 1
1973繡花大盜The Embroidery BanditLu Xiaofeng 2
1973決戰前後Before and After the DuelLu Xiaofeng 3
1974銀鉤賭坊The Silver Hook Gambling DenLu Xiaofeng 4
1974幽靈山莊The Ghosts’s Mountain VillaLu Xiaofeng 5
1975鳳舞九天Phoenix Dances to the Ninth HeavenLu Xiaofeng 6
1973絕不低頭Never Lower Your Head
1973九月鷹飛Eagles Soar in the Ninth Month
1973火併蕭十一郎The Eleventh Son 2
1973七殺手Seven Killers
1973劍‧花‧煙雨‧江南Sword, Flowers, Mist, Jiangnan
1974血鸚鵡Blood ParrotWuxia World Magazine 武俠世界 #807-814, then 840-853.
Publication stopped in
Huang Ying wrote most of it, from chapter 5 (issue 840) on.
1975天涯‧明月‧刀Horizon, Bright Moon, Sabre
1975拳頭The Fist
1975三少爺的劍Sword of the Third Young Master
1976白玉老虎The Jade Tiger
1976圓月彎刀Full Moon Scimitar
1977碧血洗銀槍Righteous Blood Cleanses the Silver Spear
1977大地飛鷹Land of Soaring Eagles
1978七星龍王Dragon King With Seven Stars
1978離別鉤Parting Hook Sword7 Weapons 6
1979英雄無淚Heroes Shed No Tears
1979新月傳奇Legend of the New MoonChu Liuxiang 7
1981飛刀,又見飛刀Flying Dagger, The Flying Dagger Reappears
1982劍神一笑The Sword God LaughsLu Xiaofeng 7
1983午夜蘭花Midnight OrchidChu Liuxiang 8
1984風鈴中的刀聲Sound of the Sabre Amidst the Wind Chimes
1985賭局The Gambling Denshort story
1985狼牙Wolf Fangshort story
1985追殺Seek to Killshort story
1985海神God of the Seashort story
1985獵鷹Falconshort story
1985群狐A Skulk of Foxesshort story
1985銀雕short story
1985財神與短刀God of Wealth and the Daggerunfinished
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